Learning to Unleash the Gifts Within
By Sheila R. McKeithen, J.D.
“Young lady, you have a Gift that we can’t teach in law school,” said one of my professors as I stood before a panel of judges arguing the pros and cons of a host’s liability for harm caused by a party guest. That single comment has stayed with me.
Yes, I am gifted and I have always been. Like Cherif Aziz in the movie, Discover the Gift, I hid from my Gift. This movie has given me the opportunity to come out of hiding and share with the world that which I’ve discovered and continue to discover as I unleash the Gifts within me. The movie will do the same for you.
When Cherif Aziz contacted me about my participation in Discover the Gift, I was still in hiding. It seemed that I had so many matters in my life that needed my attention BEFORE I could step out from behind the ‘curtain’ of my life and onto the stage of a major film.
No matter how consistently I worked to clear up and clear out my ‘clutter’, it seemed as if I was creating more clutter to keep me in my comfort zone – behind the curtain – when my true place was in this film.
Does this sound familiar? Like so many people, this is the pattern that I had created for myself. Once I realized that I was keeping myself ‘stuck’ in the comfort of my ‘curtain,’ I made a decision to change.
Isn’t it great that change is our choice? Isn’t it fabulous that it is never too late to change?
It was a big step for me to say “Yes” to this film. I wish I could tell you that I wasn’t nervous about my decision. I was nervous, and to be truthful, I am still a bit nervous. Making a decision to come out from behind the curtain of life invites a bit of nervousness.
But through it all I know that I have a choice. I can remain as I am, living behind the curtain like the wizard in the movie, The Wizard of Oz, or I can change.
I choose to change. This film encourages change, and it has changed me for the better.
Discover the Gift will change you, too. That is, if you want to change.
Several weeks ago, thanks to the team, I was able to see the movie, Discover the Gift, and experience my contribution to the film. Needless to say, I was pleased.
This is a major milestone for me. I have journeyed from behind the curtain in a big way. By agreeing to be in the film, I am joining my voice with voices from around the world to encourage and empower others to discover their inner Gift and share it with the world.
What I know is that this film can be a milestone for your life as well. Not because I am in the movie, but because you dared to invest your time and energy in watching the movie and making the choices that enable you to freely express the Gifts within you.
You do know that you are gifted, don’t you? Everyone is. We each are on the planet to share a Gift that heals us as it blesses the world.
Discover the Gift – the book and the movie – are available for pre-order now and available wherever books and DVDs are sold June 14, 2011.