“The Gift is our unique way of expressing love, our unique way of revealing creativity, our unique way of alleviating suffering, our unique way of downloading wisdom and beauty and all of the transcendent qualities that are everywhere present. As individuals release their Gifts, they’re releasing the next stage of their own evolution and they’re activating that same vibration and frequency in others. It’s why we’re here.”
~Michael Bernard Beckwith
“The most important spiritual transformational film on the planet.”
~Mark Victor Hansen
“Discover the Gift is a gift for our time. It is to film what Oprah has been to television. It is in perfect alignment with my own work and life mission, and it is a true honor to be a part of it.”
~Barbara De Angelis
“The Gift is the essence of who we are; both the qualities of being, like love and joy, peace, harmony, authenticity, spontaneity and we each have unique talents. We’ve been given a set of talents that we might call our ‘core genius’ or unique abilities and each of us has I think the responsibility to develop those Gifts and to express them fully into the world.”
~Jack Canfield
“Discover the Gift is nothing less than a masterpiece. Demian Lichtenstein took his soul and offered it up to the world on every reel of his new film. I am honored to participate in the genius of this work of heART.”
~Janet Bray Attwood